
Summary: Internal and external Hemorrhoids are common health problems experienced by both men and women. Here are ten facts you need to know about these two hemorrhoids types.

1. Internal hemorrhoids cause no pain, but external ones can be very painful and itchy.

The problem with internal hemorrhoids is they tend to cause bleeding but produce no pain. Internal hemorrhoids can last longer than external ones because they do not produce any symptoms until the later stages of the condition, becoming more visible (passing through the anus during bowel movements). By this time, internal hemorrhoid problems may have progressed to the point that they cannot be remedied without surgery, whereas external hemorrhoids are easier to manage!

2. The top three risk factors for hemorrhoids are constipation, pregnancy, and old age.

Constipation is the number one cause of internal hemorrhoid problems because when you strain to pass stool through your anus, it can cause small tears or fissures in the hemorrhoid tissue, which may become bigger over time if they aren't treated.

Pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on the rectal veins, which results in some veins expanding. In contrast, others may get blocked off completely, especially if you've had previous Internal hemorrhoid problems.

Old age is another factor that leads to internal hemorrhoids as the tissue around your anus tends to lose its elasticity as you grow older.

3. Internal hemorrhoids are formed when blood vessels around the anus become swollen or inflamed.

When these blood vessels become enlarged, they form what's known as hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids usually develop inside the anal canal but may protrude through the anal opening and cause pain and bleeding during bowel movements.

Internal hemorrhoids can be treated with medication to reduce swelling and inflammation or surgery if it becomes too unbearable.

Internal Hemorrhoid problems should not be neglected because they can result in further problems such as heavy rectal bleeding, which will require immediate medical attention!

4. External hemorrhoids are caused by external veins near your anus becoming swollen or inflamed.

External hemorrhoids can be treated by gently cleansing the area with warm water—avoid using rough or abrasive soaps. You should also avoid scratching because it may cause further inflammation and irritation. Applying ice packs on your anus for ten minutes several times a day can also help by reducing swelling and pain.

5. Hemorrhoids come in all sizes.

Hemorrhoids start small because they develop from enlarged veins around the anus, although hemorrhoids can grow in size if continuously straining during bowel movements.

One of the best ways to avoid hemorrhoid problems is by eating a diet rich in fiber and drinking at least ten glasses of water every day to soften your stool so you can pass it more easily!

6. Internal hemorrhoids treatments.

Your doctor will probably prescribe medication that will help reduce the swelling and inflammation caused by hemorrhoids. However, they should not be pushed down because it may cause bleeding.

Internal hemorrhoid procedures involve banding or rubber band ligation where the hemorrhoid is tied off with rubber bands which put pressure on hemorrhoid to stop it from bleeding.

7. External hemorrhoid treatments.

External hemorrhoid treatments usually involve maintaining a healthy lifestyle where you eat plenty of fiber and drink lots of water.

Additional external hemorrhoid remedies can require compresses of warm water applied for 20 minutes several times throughout the day to reduce swelling and increase blood flow around your anus. Anti-itch creams, hemorrhoid cream, and even witch hazel pads have been known to help.

External hemorrhoid problems can be avoided by slightly straightening your body and elevating your feet a bit with a step stool as you sit on the toilet, changing the position of the rectum during bowel movements for easier passage of stool through your anus!

8. Internal hemorrhoids are common in adults over 40 years old.

Individuals who are over 40 years old tend to develop Internal hemorrhoids and should not be ignored. There are several reasons age can play a factor in developing hemorrhoids, so contact your doctor if internal hemorrhoid symptoms arise, such as pain and bleeding after bowel movements.

9. Hemorrhoids are common in pregnant women.

Hemorrhoids are common in women because of the added pressure on your anus during pregnancy and can also develop after giving birth or when you become constipated. However, even when they manifest during such a time, there is no threat to the child or mother unless other factors come into play, like an infection.

10. Internal hemorrhoids can be prevented if you stay active during your leisure time.

Individuals who don't exercise are more likely to develop Internal hemorrhoids when they get older, so it's recommended that you stay active when you're not working to reduce the risk of developing Internal hemorrhoids in the future!

GI Associates Can Help With Your Hemorrhoids

In conclusion, whether you suffer from internal or external hemorrhoids. Both can present their own unique set of problems and if left untreated can become more serious. Reach out to our professional staff who are more capable of diagnosis and treatment of your hemorrhoids. Let us help you get back to comfort and digestive health.

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