For more complete information please see Inflammatory Bowel Disease - IBD.
Crohn's disease can involve any part of the intestine, small or large, and irritate not only the lining but also deeper layers.
Crohn's disease may occur at any age, including young children but occurs most often in young adults. Most cases of Crohn's disease are diagnosed before age 30. Crohn's disease tends to occur in families and in certain ethnic groups, such as Eastern European Jews. About 5-8% of patients may have a family member with IBD and about 20-25% of patients may have a close relative with the condition. However, it can occur in any ethnic group and in members of families where no one else is suffering from the disease.
What Causes Crohn's Disease?
It is currently believed that Crohn's disease occurs in individuals as a result of genetic and environmental factors. For unknown reasons, the immune system becomes abnormally active against the individual's own system. It targets not only the intestine, but sometimes other organs like the skin, the eyes, or the liver.
If you are interested in connecting with others, who are living life with Crohn's, please visit Crohnology.