Constipation and hemorrhoids are two of the most common gastrointestinal problems and are often interrelated. Hemorrhoids, more common among men and women ages 30-55, is the result of increased pressure in the veins of the anus or rectum. This pressure can be caused by constipation. Pregnant women are also likely to get hemorrhoids because of the increased pressure in the pelvic area from the growing child. They usually disappear once the child has been born.
Unless the underlying problem continues to persist, small hemorrhoids usually pose no major problems and go away on their own. If the underlying cause of hemorrhoids is long-term, they can become large and painful, causing bleeding and increased discomfort. Sometimes, it is necessary to have the hemorrhoids removed. There are a number of different treatment options and the gastrointestinal specialists at GI Associates can help find a plan that is right for you.
How Can I Avoid Hemorrhoids?
The best way to avoid hemorrhoids is to prevent constipation. In order to avoid constipation, you need to make sure you are drinking enough water, about 6-8 glasses a day, and getting enough fiber in your diet. The recommended amount of fiber intake is 30-40 grams. If you are not used to eating a lot of fiber in your diet you will want to gradually add it in, otherwise, you will end up with diarrhea. Please see the resource page for more information on high fiber diets.
What Can I Do If I Have Hemorrhoids?
Make an appointment with one of the gastrointestinal specialists at GI Associates if you are having chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, or if you have any questions. You may qualify for hemorrhoid banding, which is a simple and effective procedure to ease the pain of hemorrhoids.