Colon Cancer, How Do You Get It?
Colon cancer is a disease that starts in the colon or large intestine. It begins with cells inside the colon's lining growing abnormally. Cancers are named according to the type of cell that first started to grow abnormally. For example, if there were squamous cells, it would be called Colon Squamous Cell Carcinoma (CSC). There are several risk factors associated with an increased chance of it occurring, including age over 60 years old; family history; inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's Disease; genetic syndromes such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC); previous diagnosis; obesity, sedentary lifestyle
Colon cancer is a malignant growth of cells in the colon's lining. Symptoms include changes to bowel movements such as diarrhea or constipation, blood in stool or dark stools, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue. cancers are classified into several types based on what kind of cell originally grew abnormally.
Is Colon Cancer curable?
It can be treated using surgery to remove the abnormal tissue, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Colon cancer treatment also depends on how far the Colon Cancer has developed. Treatment for early-stage Colon Cancer may involve removing only some of the tumor or taking out lymph nodes near cancer. For later stages of Colon Cancer, more extensive surgery may be needed along with more strong chemo and radiation therapy to reduce the risk of recurrence.
Early cancers have a good chance of being cured by surgery if all abnormal cells are removed. The further through time that it goes untreated, the more significant number of new cells grow abnormally, making it harder to treat. treatment options vary depending on the stage of Cancer; surgical removal is still possible for early cancers, but more extensive surgery combined with chemo and radiation therapy may be necessary for advancedcancers. Colon cancer can be treated using surgery to remove the abnormal tissue, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Sometimes, proton pump inhibitors are used. Risk factors that contribute to Colon cancers' likelihood of recurrence include:
- Genetics (e.g., familial adenomatous polyposis).
- Previous diagnosis of Colon cancer (and thus increased opportunity for genetic mutation accumulation).
- Obesity.
- Sedentary lifestyle
Several risk factors are associated with an increased chance of Cancer occurring, some of which are genetic. causes can include genetics (e.g., familial adenomatous polyposis), previous diagnosis (and thus increased opportunity for genetic mutation accumulation), obesity, sedentary lifestyle.
How to Prevent Colon Cancer?
Colon cancer prevention attempts to stop cancers before they start through regular screening (such as Colonoscopies) and careful attention to any symptoms of Colon cancer. Risk factors contributing to Colon cancers' likelihood of developing include genetics (e.g., familial adenomatous polyposis) a previous Colon Cancer diagnosis
Is Colon Cancer Curable?
Yes,it is curable if all cells are removed through Colon surgery. Treatment options vary depending on the stage. Cancers are classified into several types based on what kind of cell originally grew abnormally, each with its treatment regimen. It can be treated using surgery to remove the abnormal tissue, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.
It is curable if all cells are entirely removed via Colon surgery. Treatment options vary depending on the stage of Cancer. However, early cancers have a good chance of being cured by surgery if all abnormal cells are removed. The further through time that it goes untreated, the more significant number of new cells grow abnormally, making it harder to treat.