Hemorrhoids, Why do They Itch?
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins found in the rectum or around the anus. They typically form from excess pressure and straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, obesity, chronic coughing, and aging. The itching associated with piles is caused by scratching at the irritated hemorrhoid tissue, which causes further irritation of the hemorrhoidal tissues by releasing histamines and prostaglandins into the tissues. Scratching also poses a risk for developing an anal fissure, a tear in the lining near it, and may cause bleeding after bowel movements and pain and swelling.
The best way to prevent itching is to avoid aggravating factors such as constipation, straining when on the toilet, pregnancy, obesity, chronic coughing, and aging. Additionally, they can become irritated by preventing the development of new hemorrhoids through diet changes that include increasing fiber intake to soften stools; taking Vitamin C supplements; drinking plenty of water; using stool softeners like Colace; avoiding sitting too long on the toilet; limiting time spent on strenuous activities like weightlifting/ running, and reducing your stress levels. There are also creams that you can apply directly to the anal area, including hemorrhoidal ointment or suppositories with hydrocortisone, lidocaine, pramoxine, and epinastine. Finally, piles can be prevented by wearing loose-fitting clothing and using cotton undergarments.
People experiencing symptoms such as itching should try to avoid scratching. This may cause further irritation of the tissues and bleed after bowel movements. Other symptoms people with itchy piles should watch out for include pain; tenderness; and swelling around the anus; anal fissures, which are tears in the tissue near the anus, although these often have small amounts of blood on toilet paper or a little bit of bright red blood on toilet paper or even darker stool indicating fresh bleeding; fecal incontinence – stool leakage – due to spasms in the irritated muscles around the anus; and anal itching which creams can soothe.
For hemorrhoids that do not go away or get worse over time, treatments to relieve symptoms may help. For itchy piles, bleeding after bowel movements, and painful hemorrhoids, creams including hemorrhoidal ointment or suppositories can be used in addition to avoiding aggravating factors such as constipation, straining when on the toilet, removal surgery (hemorrhoidectomy), pregnancy, obesity, chronic coughing, and aging.
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that usually occur in the anal area. However, they can also form around the lower rectum near the hemorrhoid veins near the anus and arteries, which bring blood to the piles. They can be found internally or externally in two main types: inside the rectum. In contrast, external is located around the anal opening, although they can become internal by protruding into or through the anus.
Symptoms include pain, itching, swelling of hemorrhoidal tissues, bleeding after bowel movements, bright red blood on toilet paper or in stool indicating fresh bleeding from hemorrhoids, fecal incontinence – stool leakage – due to spasms in the hemorrhoid-irritated muscles around the anus, anal itching which creams may soothe,
Hemorrhoids are irritated veins in the rectum or around the anus. Hemorrhoid itching is caused by scratching at tissues, which stimulates histamines and prostaglandins to be released into the tissues causing further irritation of tissues near the anus. To prevent itching, take steps to avoid aggravating factors such as constipation, straining while on the toilet, removal surgery (hemorrhoidectomy), pregnancy, obesity, chronic coughing, and aging. You can also reduce your stress levels and wear loose-fitting clothing with cotton undergarments. And hemorrhoid symptoms such as itching can be soothed by ointments and creams. Whether hemorrhoids itch or not, if symptoms such as itching occur, you should get examined by a doctor to determine the treatment that works best for your problem.