Does colon cancer affect women more than men? Some research suggests that the different rates between women and men might be due to factors other than biology. These include differing symptoms presented by the genders, differences in age at diagnosis, and differences in treatment.
Men were five times more likely than women to die from colorectal cancers from 1975-2001. The exception was among black people dependent on income level; poorer black women were twice as likely to die from colorectal cancers as white men with similar incomes
In 2014, about 90% of all new cases of colon cancer were diagnosed in adults 50 years or older. People with specific genetic mutations are more likely to develop colon cancer earlier.
An estimated 50,000 cases of colon cancer will be diagnosed in people younger than 55 years old in 2014. This age group has a five-year survival rate of 90%.
Researchers have discovered that the excess risk for black Americans is primarily due to poverty. It may also have something to do with diet overall or lack thereof, contributing to diabetes and other chronic illnesses that affect this population.
Prevention means detecting colon cancer early through routine screening exams like a stool test or blood work. Experts recommend screenings starting at age 50 for most adults, getting them every ten years or as advised by your doctor. Even if you are at average risk, you should be screened if you are African American, have a family history of colorectal cancers or polyps, previously had colon cancer or inflammatory bowel disease (inflammatory bowel disease is an umbrella term for conditions like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease).
- It is recommended that men make sure to get tested for colon cancer once they turn 45; women, age 45 to 50. This applies even if the individual doesn't show any symptoms of this type of cancer. Making lifestyle choices like eating healthy foods can also help prevent colon cancer in both genders.
Doctors often use a combination of treatments, including chemotherapy and radiation following surgery for stage III colon cancer. People diagnosed with stage 1-2 colon cancer who do not require surgery usually receive chemotherapy before surgery. Chemotherapy may be given after surgery as well.
The best way to treat colon cancer is also through a multidisciplinary approach. Depending on the staging, there's typically a combination of chemosurgery followed by adjuvant therapies or chemo. You will know what medication you will be receiving from your doctor, but it usually depends on your specific case and diagnosis.
- This is a type of medicine that uses chemicals to kill fast-growing cells in the body, which helps slow down the growth of cancer cells in patients with colorectal cancer. It may consist of different drugs given within 1, 2, or even 3 combinations throughout treatment time.
- Surgery is usually the first step when treating colon cancer. Colon and rectal surgeons remove isolated tumors in the large intestine through one of three procedures: colectomy, proctocolectomy, or abdominoperineal resection (APR).
- The five-year recurrence rate for colon cancer is about 20%
- Chemotherapy drugs kill cells that grow quickly like cancer cells. Cancer cell growth can be fast; sometimes chemotherapy slows it down, so your body's immune system has time to fight back. This is why it's essential to stay healthy; otherwise, this may increase your chance of getting certain side effects.colon cancer, what causes colon cancer, colon cancer diagnoses